AFYS3G regularly offers work placements to students as part of their studies. Internships are available at different departments, such as marketing, sales, engineering, quality and product development. It is worthwhile mentioning that several students decided to continue their career at AFYS3G after their internship. Below you can read more about the experiences of one of our interns at the engineering department.

“My name is Nathal and I am 23 years old. I am studying (mechanical) engineering at the university of applied sciences Windesheim.“
How did you hear about AFYS3G?
I heard about AFYS3G via the university of applied sciences. Windesheim already had some positive experiences with different interns who did a Comaker at AFYS3G.
Why did you choose AFYS3G for your internship?
Next to engineering, I find the life sciences industry really interesting. AFYS3G develops and designs equipment that is used in laboratories. It is as it should have been this way, a branch where life sciences is combined with technique. The perfect Comaker match for me, this made me decide to try and get an internship at AFYS3G.
What assignment are you working on?
My assignment is to research how to optimize parts of the Screw Cap Recappers that AFYS3G develops as part of an OEM project. Another goal is to see if we can make the assembly of the devices easier as well.
What is it like to do an internships at AFYS3G?
So far I really like my time at AFYS3G. I have a good view on all the activities that are done within the company. I have started with the Comaker assignment and I think that AFYS3G is a good place to do my graduate internship.